Corey Mwamba


(s)kin - a new collection of music

This year I posted three pieces of music. These pieces are commentaries. They stem from conversations, thoughts, events; the music is a bringing forth of ideas; personal analyses of feelings. The intention is to record more; and so I have put them together as a Bandcamp subscription.

(s)kin is raw, episodic commentary. I am remembering things. I am re-stating them for those who did not hear the first time. I am saying my unsaid and leaving them unpolished. The unpolished nature relates this collection to Sipping Rioja at Home; and the subject matter makes this a sibling of Popular Delusions and Songs for The New Folk. I have also included the first four episodes and there will be one more this month; there should be sixty in all.

The first was made last year. It is about what it takes to truly stand against; the inner, silent honesty that fuels resistance more powerfully than the loud, public statements. It is dedicated to the memory of Steve Biko. The second is a present for the new year and is about the love required to not give up. The third was a voicing of expressions that are produced in systems/situations of powerlessness and frustration. The fourth is about what it means to take, give, and receive.

I hope you enjoy the collection as it grows. There will be one more recording this month; and then five per month for the year.

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