Prices per concert

Use the form below how much it would cost to come to an event! Tickets can be bought on-line in advance or on the door, with lower rates for groups with more than 10 young people.

Ages 5 and under get in free!

The pricing works out as follows:

Single tickets
Young person (ages 6 -17) = £3
Adult (+ up to 1 young person) = £5
Double tickets
2 Young people = £5
2 Adults (+ up to 2 young people) = £8
Large groups (10+ young people)
£2 per single young person
£4 per pair of young people

The form works out how many young people can be included in the adult tickets, and thus will always give you the best price.

Any5 tickets

Save money with an Any5 ticket: come to any 5 concerts for the price of 4!

You can buy an Any5 ticket at any point during the series, either on the door or in advance.

Adult Any5 tickets include up to 2 young people (ages 6 - 17).